克拉克勲爵 (Kenneth Clark) 在他的傳世之作《文明的軌跡》(Civilisation) 裡説,文藝復興時代,那些令翡冷翠成為歐洲最富裕城邦的羊毛商人、銀行家、虔誠的現實主義者,他們住在幽暗堅固的大宅裡。那些大宅足以防御經常發生的氏族 爭鬥和動亂,但人們也許不明白,置身那些冷冰冰的大宅之間,有一座輕盈俐落的小聖堂 —— Pazzi Chapel,跟它之前的歌德式教堂巨大無朋,有着天壤之别。為甚麽有這樣的轉變?克拉克勲爵認為可以用古希臘哲學家 Protagoras 的一句話予以總結 —— man is the measure of all things —— 人是萬物的尺度。
Pazzi Chapel 由 Brunellesco 設計,他是有名的人文建築家,但一個時代的建築風格,不是一個人的力量可以創造出來。這種簡單而大小恰到好處的建築,正是「人是萬物的尺度」的一個見証。經歷 了羅馬和歌德時代的巨型建築,到了文藝復興,人終究明白,建築不是給神用的,而是給人自己用的,因此建築物的規模大小必須符合人所需要。文藝復興的現實主義者澄明的頭腦裡,没有渴望高不可攀的大教堂,而選擇了如像 Pazzi Chapel 精緻舒服的小聖堂。
Protagoras 的人是萬物的尺度,意思來自他本是一個相對主義者,認為世上没有絕對的對與錯,個人就是量度一切的尺度,個人可以决定一切的對或者錯。但正正也由於這樣, 人類也就是萬物的尺度 —— 因為我認為人類渡過了黑暗時期,他們的建築、繪畫、行事都反映一個實在的文明,一個有尊嚴的社會,一個人本的時代,這是人個人的選擇。
Pazzi Chapel 由 Brunellesco 設計,他是有名的人文建築家,但一個時代的建築風格,不是一個人的力量可以創造出來。這種簡單而大小恰到好處的建築,正是「人是萬物的尺度」的一個見証。經歷 了羅馬和歌德時代的巨型建築,到了文藝復興,人終究明白,建築不是給神用的,而是給人自己用的,因此建築物的規模大小必須符合人所需要。文藝復興的現實主義者澄明的頭腦裡,没有渴望高不可攀的大教堂,而選擇了如像 Pazzi Chapel 精緻舒服的小聖堂。
Protagoras 的人是萬物的尺度,意思來自他本是一個相對主義者,認為世上没有絕對的對與錯,個人就是量度一切的尺度,個人可以决定一切的對或者錯。但正正也由於這樣, 人類也就是萬物的尺度 —— 因為我認為人類渡過了黑暗時期,他們的建築、繪畫、行事都反映一個實在的文明,一個有尊嚴的社會,一個人本的時代,這是人個人的選擇。
克拉克勲爵對文明的探視終於六十年代,正值蘇聯和西方冷戰的高峰,西方有可能再次經歷野蠻人攻入羅馬,文明命懸一綫的命運,所以他對文明世界的未來結論有點悲觀。當代人對克拉克經過的文明軌跡,已經不以為然,認為他「老餠」,認為他只有狹隘的西方歷史觀,只有西方的學識,西方的藝術,西方的潮流才能成就豐富的文明,才可拱拖心智生命。藝術評論家高凌斯 (Mathew Collings) 更伸延那位蘇格蘭的藝術史家的文明之路到二十一世紀,創造了《這就是文明》(This is Civilization),對文明作出不同的解讀。這個時候,重温 Civilisation,看人類文明的堀起,理解人怎樣成為萬物的尺度,我從不覺得他過時。
Man: The Measure of All Things。
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ReplyDeleteWe have fallen upon a new dark age: we have lost the art of balance which Renaissance men knew so well: everything nowadays has to make way for money and personal ambition: the human capacity for evil and destruction has taken a new form and all human efforts are now structurally and principally if not exclusively directed towards the worship of an old but jealous god, Moloch, who has taken on a new form: an abstract pursuit of "profit" which instead of being his servant for some higher end, has become his master and fancied itself an end in itself: a monstrosity born of a disembodied reason! The new Moloch no longer has a face: he has hidden it under a façade of what he misrepresent to all as the "common good". Man has indeed become the measure of all things. But such a man has been reduced to a shadow of what he could be: a full bodied human being with sensation, feelings in addition to reason,with a humanity capable of empathy and a sense of community as well as unbridled egotism: one who strikes a balance between the heart and the mind. If we do not re-learn his true nature soon, the road ahead is bleak indeed.
ReplyDeleteI am not a pessimist but at some point, humankind inevitably has to pay a heavy price for that before we can re-learn this true nature and exorcise this new Moloch out of our mind.
DeleteBut alas, most people are equipped with two rulers: one for himself, if there is one, and a much much longer one for others.
ReplyDeleteMen never learn. We are born ignorant, and at once know too much but not enough.
Yes that's so true. But I still hold the belief that people can be changed and what's good can be regained - this sounds naive. But I am not alone as I read an economist guy called Julian Lincoln Simon, who once said, 'the skilled, spirited and hopeful people will exert their will and imaginations for their own benefits, and so, inevitably, for the benefit of us all.' I hope the change is initiated by us before Nature is forced to get in and give us a hard lesson.