Marina (2009) by Sarah Williams |
晚上的音樂,是一種幻想,可以很華麗,而華麗背後是寂寞,好像 Yanni 的 Reflections of Passion,每次聽着如斯妙韻,思想都被引領到去觀賞都會的霓虹,穿上 evening jacket,拿着一隻 Champagne flute,走入舞會中,染滿光彩華美,華爾滋舞池中盤旋,突然,重歸寂靜,看着人在彈着琴,那一刻卻又何等寂寞。
夜闌人靜之際,是思想最自由之時,所以可以不斷在想,後資本主義的時代是怎樣的,制度,因時而施,没有永遠適行的金科玉律,當有天,我們認識制度要消亡崩塌的時候 —— 我們回顧歷史,看見神權的倒塌,封建的瓦解,啟蒙的興起,及後英雄的物質主義,造就我們的繁華,當下又漸漸腐爛 —— 當我們了解制度之興替,舊有的道德崩壞之後, 新的道德要隨之而起,尼采也這樣的説。現下我們看見了人對舊道德的批判,然而在還没有新的道德出現之前,我們仍得活在固有的道德之内,這比虚無好。
為甚麽我愛 Sarah Williams 清冷的夜色?因為這種氛圍最接近永恒。當然還有老牌電子樂隊 Tangerine Dream 的 Cool at Heart。
Sarah William's Marina may be dark, it's not desolate: there's that bright warm light which lit up the surrounding darkness. Reason used to be our guiding light. We've seen it the horror of reason trying to go it alone. There are still many who think they can still rely exclusively upon it. It's the duty of all thinking people to point out that the emperor has no more clothes.
ReplyDeleteYou reminded me of this. Yes, perhaps it's due to the spot of bright warm light that I love her paintings. As you said, it's dark but not desolate. We still have hope in darkness. Reason is the capability we have to make sense of this world. Most of our world is however beyond understanding in this way. It would be silly if we still believe everything can be understood through human reason though people are perhaps silly.