「你現在的生命,走過的歷程,將要再完全一模一樣的再生活一次,及不止一次而是千千萬萬次, 數之不盡次。每一次活著都了無新意,每一天的喜怒哀樂,事無大小, 先後次序,經歷都跟前生一模一樣。包括那蜘蛛,樹梢上的月光,與及我今晚來到你身邊向你說這番話。你就像永恆的沙漏時計裡的一粒小沙。」聽完這樣的說話,你會咬牙切齒咒罵那魔鬼?或許在那一刻你向魔鬼說:「啊! 你就是上帝! 你的說話是我人生聽過最動聽的說話!」
尼采認為,只有弱者才把生命的不定、變幻、無助寄托於來生。強者是要英雄地面對現世, 在一個變幻無定,禍福難料的今世,人只能勇敢活下去。弱者建構來生, 造了天主上帝,並把頭躲進那美好的來生虛幻的福樂中。人類這樣就只有懦弱的,庸劣的愚人。
所以尼采認為, 沒有天主的世界,人類墮入虛幻的深淵中。所以他要人類進化: 「我教予你超人(Übermensch),因人類是要被超越的東西。」人要成為超人,站在道德善惡之上,以強者的姿態判斷善惡。在一個了無意義的世界中, 賜予意義。
在意識的流動中,時間亦就此流逝,很 Proust 的經驗。一小時十五分鐘就過去了。
這一天,總想聽烈火戰車的主題音樂,看着一班年輕跑手在聖安德魯斯的沙灘上赤足奔跑的畫面。希臘電子音樂大師 Vangelis 的不朽之作。
Like the rhythm of Vangelist's song; steady persistent, constant, as if it would continue forever and the piano, which confers a kind of joy to human effort. Nothing but the joy of the journey, the joy of struggle against nothingness.
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful music. It shows that human striving gives us the meaning of our life, regardless of whether there's God or whether he's dead.
DeletePerhaps Nietzsche is right. Perhaps Deleuze is right. Maybe Sartre is right. Meaning and truth can't all be pre-given: they must be continually created and re-created anew by each generation for itself. No one else will do it for him if he himself doesn't do so. The old man in the sky is gone. We see him as he truly is: an illusion fashioned by human fear and then hope. Where he used to be, there is nothing but the near-void of outer space, which astro-physicists tell us are constantly expanding, perhaps towards infinity. The future is open. It's up to us to put something there before our world end up in the final implosion and then perhaps another explosion as the Hindus speculated in an eternal cycle of birth, death, rebirth.