Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Morality of the Strong

Unfortunate substances spread like wildfire.  Moralists or pseudo-moralists love to think of dilemmas and are delighted to show to the world that moral dilemmas are unsolvable and inevitable.  Regardless of what they intend to show, they pronounce that they belong to the weak, and their morality is that of the weak and for the weak.  When some moralist asks which one, your mother or your wife, you would save on a sinking ship (provided that there is only one vacant seat on the lifeboat), they believe they think brilliantly and design a scenario that is perfectly unsolvable, a question unanswerable.  He advises strongly that we shall think and argue if we intend to save one but not the other.  Let me tell you, Gentlemen, there is nothing worth squandering a second on.  This is the morality of the weak.  Compassion, kindness and love are received in the weak; they are given by the strong.  Such sinking ship, such situation - the strong will know it is nothing but an inevitability in which the strong will make a choice and confer it with his own reason.  That is the end of the story.  The strong bestow compassion, kindness and love.  They have their own values that need not be reminded.  But unfortunately when malignant discivilisation takes the dominant place in the stead of good civilisation, unfortunate substances grow and spread.  Humankind is contaminated and suffers from incurable disease of the weak.  Humans let themselves be weak and remain weak.  They create a lot of ingredients to protect them from harm, to seal them from touching the most precious thing they once had, instinct.  When instinct is lost, weakness comes in.

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