Sunday, November 22, 2009

Epicurus (341-270 BC)

The Greek philosopher intended to show mankind that it is possible to live a life of undisturbed happiness (ataraxia), devoid of fear and worry, through right knowledge of the way the universe works: the main objects of fear, divine punishment and death, need not concern us, as the human soul does not survive death and gods do not govern events, which are ruled by natural laws. The universe and everything in it including ourselves and our souls consist of atoms whose motion is governed by natural causes; nothing composed lasts for ever as the atoms move around, and their motion, temporary conjunction and ultimate dispersal the generation and dissolution of all objects including living things. Epicurus described the gods as perfect and eternal beings who live a happy existence untrammelled by the activities or sufferings of humanity. It puzzles many others that Epicurus added the element of the gods in a philosophy which appears self-sufficient without them. Obviously there was a practical reason. I personally love Epicurus' attempt to create a philosophy that rids humans of worry and enables them to live in happiness. What I approve of the most is that happiness does not come from glory, power or wealth but it can be had from little things such as good food, the company of friends, etc, which, to some extent, is hedonistic in that we enjoy the corporeal now-ness, for there is no future of ourselves when we die. There I believe has nothing wrong to hold such a belief, for, obviously, any coming life deprives oneself of memories of the former life. Some claim knowledge of the former life but few can establish such claim with convincing evidence. But Epicurean living is quite enjoyable. It has, to me, a spiritual element that occurs when you enjoy your company of friends, the good food or simply a walk in the garden.

Having said that, we do not have every reason to refuse to accept the premise that the soul survives our own death. But this does not weaken the happiness of
ataraxia and his living secretly - when I think of it, I feel happy.

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